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Fast Beautiful Photo Sharing !
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What is Instagram?
Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter to transform the image into a memory to keep around forever. We're building Instagram to allow you to experience moments in your friends' lives through pictures as they happen. We imagine a world more connected through photos.
What other services are you compatible with?
Currently, you can share your photos on a photo-by-photo basis on Flickr, Facebook, and Twitter. Additionally, if you specify a location with your photo, you can opt to have us check you in on Foursquare. Going forward, we plan on supporting additional services but have nothing else to announce at this time.
Who can see my photos?
All photos are public by default which means they are visible to anyone using Instagram or on the instagram.com website. If you choose to make your account private, then only people who follow you on Instagram will be able to see your photos.
How can I print my photos?
We save all the photos you process with Instagram to your camera roll. You can then sync with your computer and print as many as you'd like.